Siwa Testing Inspection and Consulting Co., Ltd.

Siwa Testing Inspection and Consulting Co., Ltd. were founded by Dr. Ing. Siwa Bhongbhibhat, Germany. The company was registered on the 4th of March 1982, registered no. 782/2525 (current reg. no. 0105525007826).

The company has continuously been in the testing and inspection business for over 30 years. Our main clients are in petroleum refinery and terminal, gas plant, petrochemical, industrial plants and manufacturers of steel equipment.


  • Inspection and Expeding of Shop Manufacturing, Fabrication, Construction and Installation
  • Welding Inspection / Welding Procedure Qualification / Welding Qualification
  • Maintenance Inspection
  • Non-Destructive Testing: Basic NDT and Advanced NDT
  • Materials Testing
  • Failure Analysis / Fitness-For-Service
  • Statutory Inspection of LPG and NG Vessel and System
  • Statutory Inspection of Power Boiler

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